If you are worried about your safety or the safety of a peer, come see your counselor right away. No appointment is needed in a crisis situation.
To contact your counselor or request a meeting, either use this form, scan the QR code below, or email us. Remember, no appointment is needed in a crisis situation!
Eldorado Counseling Team
Counselor for last names A - Ed
Counselor for last names Ee - La
Counselor for last names Lb - Ri
Counselor for last names Rj - Z
College & Career Counselor
Crossroads Counselor (Substance Use)
Family Therapist
Counseling Secretary
Ms. Martinez-Eggleston
(505) 296-4871 x 35009
Mrs. Mackara
(505) 296-4871 x 35038
Mrs. McClintic
(505) 296-4871 x 35010
Mrs. McIntyre
(505) 296-4871 x 35047
Mrs. Velhagen
(505) 296-4871 x 35013
Mr. Huggins
(505) 296-4871 x 35176
Mr. Beecher
(505) 296-4871 x 35005
Mrs. Blythe
(505) 296-4871 x35024
Crisis Lines/Resources
It's okay to ask for help! You're not alone! For a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call or text: 988
- NM Crisis & Access Line: Phone: 1-855-NMCRISIS (622-7474) - Toll-free anytime 24/7/365
- NM Peer-to-Peer Warmline (talk to someone your age): Phone: 1-855-466-7100 - toll-free
Hours: 3:30 - 11:30 PM daily or text 6 - 11 PM daily - Crisis Text Line: text Home to 741741
- APS School-Based UNM Health Centers (PDF) - free & open to all APS students
- UNM Youth Clinic Flyer - teen support, sliding payment scale
Free and Reduced Lunch!
Sign up for Free or Reduced Lunch! Benefits include free or discounted meals at school, as well as discounts on AP tests, ACT, SAT, PSAT, APS Summer School, and college application fees!
Join Remind! Stay Informed!
Students and parent/guardians, don't miss important info/announcements via Remind texts! These roll over, so if you've signed up in the past, no need to do so again.
Class of 2025 Remind Text Sign-Up
- Last names A - E: text @ehs2025a-e to 81010
- Last names F - J: text @ehs2025f-j to 81010
- Last names K - O: text @ehs2025k-o to 81010
- Last names P - T: text @ehs2025p-t to 81010
- Last names U - Z: text @ehs2025u-z to 81010
Class of 2026 Remind Text Sign-Up
- Last names A - E: text @ehs2026a to 81010
- Last names F - J: text @ehs2026b to 81010
- Last names K - O: text @ehs2026c to 81010
- Last names P - T: text @ehs2026d to 81010
- Last names U - Z: text @ehs2026e to 81010
Class of 2027 Remind Text Sign-Up
- Last names A - E: text @ehs2027A-E to 81010
- Last names F - J: text @ehs2027F-J to 81010
- Last names K - O: text @ehs2027K-O to 81010
- Last names P - T: text @ehs2027P-T to 81010
- Last names U - Z: text @ehs2027U-Z to 81010